for Men

We provide a range of support for men

Our primary programmes for men are group-based and directed towards those who either perpetrate violence or are keen to make positive changes to their behaviours in order to maintain healthy and safe relationships.

We are also able to provide short term counselling to assist men who are currently being abused in their relationship.

In some circumstances we may also offer short term counselling to men who perpetuate violence but this is usually limited to transitioning them into a group based programme.

We’re on a mission to provide valuable help & support

Whatever your circumstances, we are here to help you

Counselling for Men

We provide free short term counselling (between 1-10 sessions) to men who are currently being abused in their relationship. Counselling is provided by a male counsellor who has solid insights into the difficulties experienced by men who are subjected to violence.

We can support male victims in developing a safety plan and, where required, we can also them to accessing assistance in relation to obtaining a protection order.

For further information, please contact us

Men’s Work Non-Violence Programme

Men’s Work is a powerful 17 week group programme designed for men, allowing them to recognise unwanted, controlling or violent patterns of behaviour and to develop positive and personally empowering non-violent ways of thinking, speaking and acting.

Co-facilitated by an experienced male and female team of practitioners, the focus is on personal accountability rather than blame and on supporting men to make conscious choices about how they interact with their families and respond to the world around them.

It is suitable for all men whose behaviour and responses are of concern to themselves, their family or friends. 

The group operates on Wednesday evenings and new intakes are conducted each month.

For further information, please contact us

Do you need a non-violence programme?

Men’s Ten Point Checklist

  • Notice your partner / children seem scared or anxious if you are in a bad mood?
  • Shout, scream or swear at your partner / children if you are angry, upset or anxious
  • Hit/punch/kick your partner/children/pets or threaten to hit/punch kick them
  • Kick/punch/hit walls or other objects when you are frustrated?
  • Find yourself clenching your fists when you get angry or upset?
  • See your children are copying the way you behave and you don’t like it?
  • Blame others if you feel you are losing your temper?
  • Feel powerless to  change the way you think, act or behave or find yourself saying “sorry” regularly but repeating the same patterns of behaviour?
  • Have the same verbal fights with your partner over and over but nothing gets resolved?
  • Want to feel better about yourself, be in control of your emotions and improve your relationships?

If you answered yes to any one of the questions, then you would benefit from a non-violence programme.